Wednesday, July 4, 2007
What is Google Music Trend?
Music Trends is a snapshot of the music that's popular right now among Google Talk listeners. Every Talk user who has opted in to Music Trends will cast their vote automatically, each time they listen to music on their computer. We'll gather this information and display the trends by genre, listing the favorite songs and artists in each category.
Look at what I found out from this chart for Singapore. I saw three Myanmar songs in this week's top 20 list.
7. Nar Nar Pyi Pyaw - Myo Gyi (Up +3)
10. Never be replaced - Sai Sai Kham Leng (New)
14. Yangon Myo Htae Mhar - Jelly and Jme and Yan Yan Chan (New)
If I tell Sai Sai about this, he'd say "his lips gonna hang to his ear" again (like he told me before when I mentioned about this song, I wrote about this in previous entry)
Source : Google Music Trends
Labels: music